An audit report is considered to be one of the most important exercise which are required by authorities, since it contains the opinion of independent auditors about the company’s financial statements, such as income statement, balance sheet, cashflows and shareholder’s equity statement. Usually, the auditors’ report is found towards the end of the annual report, just before the financial statements.
At IGA we strive to ascertain that your company keeps proper accounting records in the same currency of its share capital, whilst also ensuring full adherence with all regulatory requirements.
Such statements must be compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the EU and presented on a yearly basis. They should also include the balance sheet as at the last day of the accounting period to which they refer, the profit and loss account for that period, the notes to the accounts, and any other financial statements which may be required by generally accepted accounting principles.
Our team of qualified professionals can assist in addressing the increasing demands of both international and local accounting standards:
• Drafting of financial statements in accordance with IFRS or GAPSE
• Assessing and evaluating compliance of particularly complex accounting situations
• Providing technical expertise in financial reporting