July 16, 2020

Cancellation of Authorisation for Join Games Malta Limited (C65829)


The MGA has decided to cancel the authorisation awarded to Join Games Malta Limited (MGA/B2B/321/2016) effective as of 6 July 2020 in terms of regulation 10 of the Gaming Compliance and Enforcement Regulations (S.L. 583.06) hereinafter “the Regulations”.

Join Games Malta Limited is thus no longer authorised to carry out any gaming operations, register new players or accept new customer deposits, but is required to retain and provide all registered players with access to their player accounts and to refund all funds standing to the credit of players in line with the applicable law.

This sanction is being imposed upon Join Games Malta Limited for having breached the following paragraphs of regulation 9(1) of the Regulations as per details shown hereunder: –

  • the Authorised Person has failed to submit the key functional roles list and the necessary supporting documentation;
  • the Authorised Person has failed to seek prior written approval of the Authority for a change in directorship;
  • the Authorised Person has failed to pay in a timely manner all amounts due to the Authority.

This decision may be subject to an appeal in terms of article 43 of the Gaming Act (Cap. 583).
