March 8, 2023

REQ 2023 Submission


The FIAU’s yearly issue of the Risk Evaluation Questionnaire (REQ) is a means by which the regulator and the Operator assess the current standing of the AML/CFT standing of the compliance management regime.

The REQ is a tool used by the FIAU to assess the risk an operator is placing in the Maltese jurisdiction and risk the Jurisdiction is exposed to understands the sectoral and subject person-specific AML/CFT risks to which Malta may be exposed. 

It is pertinent to ensure that your REQ is completed correctly including the Subject person profile on time, not only to avoid possible fines, but to ensure that the FIAU has an accurate depiction of your AML/CFT risk.

The deadline for this report is on the 13th of April 2023 for Gaming Operators.

Resources: FIAU, Risk Evaluation Questionnaire

IGA Group have an in-house Anti-Financial Crime Unit being IGAML who offer onsite visits to assess and help complete the REQ, rectify gaps within the compliance program, and assist operators to achieve a culture of compliance.

If you need to clarify any concerns, please do reach out to us with the contact details below, so that we will be able to help you on this matter.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +356 99441881