December 18, 2019

Kindred abandons appeal against €470,000 Dutch fine


Kindred Group has dropped its appeal against a Kansspelautoriteit (KSA) fine for offering online gambling to Dutch customers.

The fine of €470,000 ($524,590) was issued to Trannel International, a subsidiary of Kindred, after the KSA found blackjack, roulette, poker and sports betting was being made available on the website

KSA research showed the verticals were offered to consumers in the period between 11 August 2018 and 27 December 2018.

The operator, which originally aimed to appeal the KSA’s decision, has now decided to pay the fine.

When contacted by Gambling insider, Eric Konings, Public Affairs Manager for Kindred, said: “We have always been supportive of the Dutch Gaming Act and the policy objectives of consumer protection and fraud and addiction prevention.

“We therefore paid our fine and decided to drop the appeal as we look forward positively to the regulation of remote gaming in the Netherlands.

“The Minister has stated he is now looking at mid-2021 for the Remote Gaming Act going into effect in the Netherlands.

“We hope there will be no further delay as this does not serve consumer protection in any way.”
