March 17, 2020

Malta’s Gaming Companies Gearing Up To Switch To ‘Mass Remote Working’ As Of Next Week


Some of Malta’s largest gaming companies are reportedly bracing for a massive shift to remote working from home next week in an effort to take precautionary actions amidst increasing Coronavirus fears, Lovin Malta is informed.

Sources within a couple of gaming companies have already confirmed that “hundreds of people will soon be all told to work from home”, with one source reporting “mass purchases” of devices like laptops which would facilitate this.

“We just got the go-ahead to work from home whenever we want,” a source at another gaming company told Lovin Malta. “We’ve always had the option – within reason, of course – but now we’ve been told we can work from home for a whole week.”

Sources within two other gaming companies told this newsroom that their companies had extended their measures to mandatory ones, with their hundreds of employees being told to work from home for all of next week. At one company, every single employee was even asked about their recent travel history, with “a database of hundreds of people” being devised to keep track of who is in quarantine where.

“We were told we’d get further instructions today week, but for now, everyone has to comply and work from home and, to be honest, I’m glad we do,” one person said.

In another case, one iGaming employee confirmed setting up a small office in his house for his department to work at in the coming days.

Yesterday, Lovin Malta took the decision to implement a work-from-home policy until further notice. By the afternoon, a nationwide closure of all educational institutions was announced, and earlier today, mandatory self-quarantine of every single person arriving to Malta via the Malta International Airport followed.

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