April 21, 2020

Notice of Cancellation for Join Games Malta Limited (C 65829) | 20/04/2020


The MGA has decided to serve Join Games Malta Limited (MGA/B2B/321/2016) with the accompanying document to this Notice, entitled “Notice of Cancellation” (hereinafter “the Notice”) dated 20 April 2020 in terms of regulation 12 of the Gaming Compliance and Enforcement Regulations (S.L. 583.06) hereinafter “the Regulations”.

In terms of regulation 10(2)(a) of the Regulations, the Authority is hereby requesting the Authorised Person to show cause, in writing, within a period of twenty (20) days commencing from the date of this Notice of Cancellation, as to why the relevant authorisation should not be cancelled. For all intents and purposes the Authorised Person shall be considered to be notified as soon as the said Notice is visible on the Authority’s website.

Provided that, if the Authorised Person fails to exercise the right to show cause as to why the Authorisation should not be cancelled within the aforementioned period, the Authority may proceed with the cancellation of the Authorisation.
